
The Academy of Management has honored Laura Kirste's engagement as a reviewer for  the 83rd Annual meeting of the Academy of Management with the Best Reviewer Award of the International Management Divison.

Category: Awards, News

Im Rahmen der Absolventenfeier am 2. Dezember 2022 wurde der diesjährige Preis der Fritz und Maria Hofmann-Stiftung an Luisa Wicht überreicht. Die Stiftung fördert Forschung und Lehre an der FAU, insbesondere durch die Vergabe des „Fritz und Maria Hofmann-Preises“ für eine hervorragende wissenschaft...

Category: Awards, News, Research

Luisa Wicht erzielte mit ihrer herausragenden Masterarbeit "Virtual assignments: Bridging distance through digital collaboration tools" den 3. Platz des Nachwuchsförderpreises des Bundesverbands der Personalmanager*innen (BPM). Der BPM fördert den HR-Nachwuchs, indem er jährlich die besten Abschluss...

Category: Awards, Conferences, News

The joint research project “The Impact of Surface and Deep-Level Attributes on Peer Evaluations in Global Virtual Teams” by Theresa Bernhard and her co-authors Ernesto Tavoletti (University of Macerata, Italy), Longzhu Dong (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire), Vas Taras (University of North Carolin...

Category: Awards, Conferences, News

The Chair of International Management congratulates Christina Heidemann on the successful defense of her PhD thesis wishing her all the best for her future.

Category: Awards, News

The Chair of International Management congratulates Marcus Conrad on the successful defense of his PhD thesis wishing him all the best for his future.

Category: Awards, News

The Chair of International Management congratulates Marc Oberhauser on the successful defense of his PhD thesis wishing him all the best for his future.

Category: Awards, News